The Galapagos Penguins are the only penguin in the World that can live close to the equator or on the northern hemisphere. But, how did they got here, and most importantly, how did they manage to survive on this rather warm climate?

We know that the penguins arrived from the Patagonia swimming with the help of the Humboldt current. They somehow managed to find these enchanted islands as so many other animals did. They are closely related to the African Penguin, the Magellanic Penguin and the Humboldt Penguin.
The motivation for the penguins to undertake this great journey was because this cold current is rich in oxygen, mineral salts, and plankton. This attracts many fish, which attracts the penguins. It also was as an abundant source of food on their journey.
Dragged by the current, they ended up on pleasant islands with plenty of food around them, in which they would evolve and adapt better over the years, becoming smaller and less fatty than their Patagonian relatives.

They are the rarest penguin species in the world, and since they don’t migrate, and are only found in the Galapagos Islands. These Penguins are endemic to the Galapagos Islands since they can not be seen anywhere else on the planet. They are flightless seabirds that have developed a great ability to swim using their fins adapted for this activity, reaching up to 50 km/h underwater. On land they use their tails to keep their balance when walking.
Where to see the Galapagos penguins?
The Galapagos penguins can be seen on specific points of Fernandina, Santiago, Isabela, Bartholomew, Santa Cruz or Floreana Islands. But you have to know where to find them.
The number of penguins is only of around 1.000 breeding pairs of penguins and swimming with them is a unique and Smart experience.
What is the climate like in the Galapagos Islands? From June to December is the dry and cold season of the islands, ranging from a minimum of approximately 19°C to a maximum of 28°C with cloudy skies, little rain and rough seas. From January to May is the islands' hot and humid season, with a minimum temperature of 22°C and a maximum of 30°C, with heavy rain and a calm sea.
More about penguins
Penguins can release heat through their webbed feet and cheeks.
They make their home in burrows along rocky shores where they breed year-round, laying two to three eggs.
Their predators are sharks and sea lions, but the real problem is introduced species that attack their burrows, destroying their eggs and reducing their population, such as dogs, cats, and rats.
The height of these little animal’s ranges from 49-53 centimetres.
The Galapagos penguins are a unique species in the world because of their adaptations to the Galapagos Islands. They are the most northerly living penguins in the world, and it would be beautiful if you could see them with your own eyes and learn more about them.
Enjoy on our tour’s places, activities, and animals such as: white sand beaches, petrified lava tunnels, diving, snorkelling, trekking, volcanoes, kayaking, giant turtles, flamingos, Hammerhead sharks, rays, marine iguanas, penguins, sea horses, sea lions, octopus, a great variety of fish, lobsters, corals, Blue Footed Boobies, Nazca Boobies and Red Footed Boobies, Frigate birds and Dolphins.
Do not miss the opportunity to get to know the Galapagos Islands and see the hundreds of species that inhabit them. Check out our tours that best suit your needs and customize them to your liking. (Links to various tours).